Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Great Road to China

What a difference a month makes! We have gained more clarity for our next steps and we're convinced that our family will be going to China.

During the DTS, we felt a clear calling to go to China. Several weeks ago it was confirmed by a woman who didn't know us. She said that she was awakened one night and God told her to tell us that "it's China." She had seen us on the YWAM campus before, so she knew who we were but didn't know anything else about us. She faithfully delievered the message and both she and our family were greatly encouraged!

Then one night I was telling God that the Bible is supposed to tell us everything we need to know, but it can't tell me which city in China to go to! I then said that I really want some direction and I opened my Bible to Jeremiah. It said, go to the city of Shiloh.

Jonathan and I laughed saying there was no place in China called Shiloh. So, we Binged Shiloh, China and up pops a map of Guangzhou. The funny thing is, is that our friend has been telling us that he thinks Guangzhou would be a good place for our family. Also, Justice somehow told his Sunday School class that we were going to Guangzhou, (this was before this whole Bible incident) so they were already praying for us.

Hmm, must be Guangzhou!