*Caution: my keyoard is roken, so the second letter of the alphaet really doesn't work
I enjoy reading missionary stories of those who have gone before us to clear the path so that we can walk the one God has called us to. One thing that they all had in common was the desire to do as the Father said, and in doing so, they were willing to lay down their lives -- and often their childrens lives.
I wonder how deep does my commitment run? Am I willing to e placed in the hands of those who hate me ecause of my Lord, and then allow them to do the same to my children?
I was thinking of these things while Jonathan and I were alone on a grocery shopping trip. Somehow, it's on these child-less trips that God rings to us the people of the street. I'm sure they're always there, ut when I am with my children I am in mommy-mode making sure they are safe and hardly have a chance to look up and around.
A man -- who had apparently een drinking -- asked us for some chopsticks. A simple request. Then he went into more Mandarin than my simple Ni Hao (hello)-level could decipher. I told him I don't understand him. ut somehow in the Spirit I knew I needed to just "listen" to him with my heart.
At times his voice seemed soft and pleading, other times his eyes and words were piercing me with sharp tones. All the while all I could feel was total compassion and love for this man. This man, for all I know, could e cursing my "foreign-ness."
God had answered a portion of my question that night. Yes, I could love like the man ecause Jesus is with me. I purchased a $1.50 candle holder from that store to remind me that my little light could shine for Him, the One who is the Light of the World.
Walking in the Light
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19
Friday, November 16, 2012
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Meekness Isn't Weakness
This week I'm teaching about gentleness twice. Hmm, God must want me to know something about gentleness. So, I thought I'd share my thoughts with you ...
As I minister to the people here in China I only have one
solution to any of their problems … Jesus Christ … all roads lead to the cross.
It’s at the end of this same road that we will find the
answer to the question, “what is gentleness?” How can we live a life of
gentleness? All I can say is “Jesus Christ!”
When we ponder that day on the cross almost two thousand
years ago, “gentleness” is probably the last thing on our minds.
But in the moments before the final nail was hammered,
before the wooden cross was put in place, before our Christ said “It is
finished” we witness total obedience and can’t help but wonder, “how would we have
reacted if we were in His place?”
The prophet Isaiah knew hundreds of years before what Jesus
would choose to do … “He was beaten down and made to suffer. But he didn’t open
his mouth. He was led away like a sheep to be killed. Lambs are silent while
their wool is being cut off. In the same way, he didn’t open his mouth.” 43:7
The prophet gives us the picture of the coming King being
like a lamb – the perfect sacrifice. But what I want to focus in on is the
temperament of a lamb. What is a lamb like? It’s gentle.
In the same way, Jesus shows us true gentleness lived out.
In those hours before his death, he was beaten, stripped naked, mocked and spat
Yet He didn’t resist.
Pilate says to him, “Don’t you know that I have the power to
crucify you?”
Yet He didn’t resist. He remained gentle.
The chief priests and Jews chanted, “Crucify him, crucify
Yet He didn’t resist. He remained gentle.
Why did the King of Kings allow Himself to be as gentle as a
lamb? How did He endure the ridicule and abuse with such grace and mercy?
Because before the beginning of time, the Father had a plan for Him. It was the
greatest rescue mission ever conceived and ever accomplished.
So in total obedience and agreement to the Father’s plan He
walked the path that led to the cross.
I think it’s the same way for us. When we no longer have to fight
for our own plans, our own agendas, or protect our own reputation and
self-interests, then we are able to walk in the freedom that God wants for us.
When we are truly going after and obeying His commands knowing without a doubt
that we are where He wants us to be, doing what He has planned for us to do then
we can walk in gentleness. And through our gentleness and submission, He can
accomplish amazing things.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Justice's Experience
We went to a ‘ethnic minority village’ on the 20th.
They wear traditional clothing and are poorer than most people. Their village
is deep in the mountains (about a 15-20 minute drive). We saw women and men
working in their rice fields. A few lucky ones have their fields next to the
village, while others need to walk for two hours to get to their fields.
Keep praying for them because they’re made in God’s image. In Matthew
28:19-20 it speaks Jesus’ final words: 19Go ye therefore, and
teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy [Spirit]: 20Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:
and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Matthew 28:19-20
Pray and ask God what is your call? I would like to see more people on
the mission field. One source estimates that there are about 400,000-700,000 Christian
missionaries, not including short term missionaries; but that does not even come close to the 6.8
billion people around the world! “The Lord would expect
everyone who believes in Him to be a missionary, but those who serve full time
missions must run into many thousands.” Anonymous.
Thanks for reading,
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Created for a purpose
There are some moments that are so God-breathed you can feel His pleasure and goodness all around you … this was one of those times.
We spent the week sharing with four college students about the love of the Creator and why they were created.
Day 1: Who are you – discovering your gifts and talents God gave you. We did a “Chopped” style challenge to create works of art. Just as the chefs needed to use everything in their baskets, God also asks us to use everything we were created with.
Day 2 & 3: Dealing with disappointment – what happens when things don’t go the way you want? The movie “Soul Surfer” inspired us to continue to follow our dreams and use it for God’s glory no matter what happens.
Day 4: Shunde's Got Talent – celebrating our gifts. We enjoyed seeing “how fearfully and wonderfully made” each of us are!
Day 5: We were made for others – following the greatest commandment to love God and love others. Each group was given a mission to follow God’s leading on how to be a light to those around them.
We spent the week sharing with four college students about the love of the Creator and why they were created.
Day 1: Who are you – discovering your gifts and talents God gave you. We did a “Chopped” style challenge to create works of art. Just as the chefs needed to use everything in their baskets, God also asks us to use everything we were created with.
Day 2 & 3: Dealing with disappointment – what happens when things don’t go the way you want? The movie “Soul Surfer” inspired us to continue to follow our dreams and use it for God’s glory no matter what happens.
Day 4: Shunde's Got Talent – celebrating our gifts. We enjoyed seeing “how fearfully and wonderfully made” each of us are!
Day 5: We were made for others – following the greatest commandment to love God and love others. Each group was given a mission to follow God’s leading on how to be a light to those around them.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
And the winner is ...
There seems to be a measuring stick for everything. How good you are doing at school, how much weight you have lost, how much your investments have grown (or not) ...
But somehow there's not a fool-proof way to rate our success in China the same way that the world does. There's no percentage scale, numbers or letter grade that could accurately portray our time here.
At times the non-information makes me feel anxious. I wonder if I'm doing a good job? Am I doing enough? Have I shared the gospel enough? Did I do it well? Did I turn someone away from God? The doubts and questions can go on and on.
But, in God's lovingkindness He reminds me that what He's after is my obedience -- is my heart so fully submitted and abandoned to Him that that's the only thing that matters to me? It's in those moments that I need to step away from believing that the fate of the world depends on me, and remember that it rests on Him.
Whose measuring stick are you standing next to?
But somehow there's not a fool-proof way to rate our success in China the same way that the world does. There's no percentage scale, numbers or letter grade that could accurately portray our time here.
At times the non-information makes me feel anxious. I wonder if I'm doing a good job? Am I doing enough? Have I shared the gospel enough? Did I do it well? Did I turn someone away from God? The doubts and questions can go on and on.
But, in God's lovingkindness He reminds me that what He's after is my obedience -- is my heart so fully submitted and abandoned to Him that that's the only thing that matters to me? It's in those moments that I need to step away from believing that the fate of the world depends on me, and remember that it rests on Him.
Whose measuring stick are you standing next to?
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Screaming Without Words
I saw her even before I saw her sign.
She was sitting there, hunched over, hood on, face to the ground, a nameless person on the streets of Guangzhou.
I knelt beside her and put my hand around her.
I asked if she spoke English. Nothing. I explained in Chinese that I don't speak Mandarin. Nothing.
I came around to her front and looked into her face and said, "I see you. I see your pain. God sees your pain and He loves you. And we love you. You were made with a plan and you have a purpose."
I silently prayed.
As I walked away I knew full well that she could be a fraud, there are so many in the city. After all, who just carries around a piece of chalk to scribble on the sidewalk?
But, one thing is certain. She is a girl who somewhere along the way got broken.
We're all broken in some way.
Thank God that He is the master craftsman who can put us back together!
She was sitting there, hunched over, hood on, face to the ground, a nameless person on the streets of Guangzhou.
I knelt beside her and put my hand around her.
I asked if she spoke English. Nothing. I explained in Chinese that I don't speak Mandarin. Nothing.
I came around to her front and looked into her face and said, "I see you. I see your pain. God sees your pain and He loves you. And we love you. You were made with a plan and you have a purpose."
I silently prayed.
As I walked away I knew full well that she could be a fraud, there are so many in the city. After all, who just carries around a piece of chalk to scribble on the sidewalk?
But, one thing is certain. She is a girl who somewhere along the way got broken.
We're all broken in some way.
Thank God that He is the master craftsman who can put us back together!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Loving the Unlovely
One of our main ministries is to go into a company and run
an English Corner Bible study, which means the people have a chance to speak
with a native English speaker and we teach them about the Bible.
This was set up by a Christian manager, who has since left
the company. The new management is
allowing us to continue teaching from the Bible, but wants us to include other “more
interesting” things like celebrity gossip, sports stars and songs.I explained that wasn’t the heart of why I come every week and that I’m more interested in seeing lives changed than in talking about the latest fashion trends.
Last week’s teaching was about servanthood and loving the
unlovely (Luke 6:32, 33, 35, 36). I issued a challenge to the group and
encouraged them to show love to someone they didn’t particularly love.
A couple of testimonies came back, but one man’s really
touched my heart. He had grown up with a friend from his hometown. But, as they
grew older, there were things about his friend that he didn’t like. So he
avoided him for the past five years. As soon as he heard the week’s challenge, God (but he doesn’t recognize it as God) put his friend on his mind. He took the step of faith and called up the friend and invited him to go back to their hometown together because it was a national holiday. The man said he felt so much happiness in his heart when he called his friend on the phone!
This is real, lasting change that you can’t get from a
supermarket tabloid!
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