Saturday, October 27, 2012

Meekness Isn't Weakness

This week I'm teaching about gentleness twice. Hmm, God must want me to know something about gentleness. So, I thought I'd share my thoughts with you ...

As I minister to the people here in China I only have one solution to any of their problems … Jesus Christ … all roads lead to the cross.
It’s at the end of this same road that we will find the answer to the question, “what is gentleness?” How can we live a life of gentleness? All I can say is “Jesus Christ!”
When we ponder that day on the cross almost two thousand years ago, “gentleness” is probably the last thing on our minds.
But in the moments before the final nail was hammered, before the wooden cross was put in place, before our Christ said “It is finished” we witness total obedience and can’t help but wonder, “how would we have reacted if we were in His place?”
The prophet Isaiah knew hundreds of years before what Jesus would choose to do … “He was beaten down and made to suffer. But he didn’t open his mouth. He was led away like a sheep to be killed. Lambs are silent while their wool is being cut off. In the same way, he didn’t open his mouth.” 43:7
The prophet gives us the picture of the coming King being like a lamb – the perfect sacrifice. But what I want to focus in on is the temperament of a lamb. What is a lamb like? It’s gentle.
In the same way, Jesus shows us true gentleness lived out. In those hours before his death, he was beaten, stripped naked, mocked and spat upon.
Yet He didn’t resist.
Pilate says to him, “Don’t you know that I have the power to crucify you?”
Yet He didn’t resist. He remained gentle.
The chief priests and Jews chanted, “Crucify him, crucify him!”
Yet He didn’t resist. He remained gentle.
Why did the King of Kings allow Himself to be as gentle as a lamb? How did He endure the ridicule and abuse with such grace and mercy? Because before the beginning of time, the Father had a plan for Him. It was the greatest rescue mission ever conceived and ever accomplished.
So in total obedience and agreement to the Father’s plan He walked the path that led to the cross.
I think it’s the same way for us. When we no longer have to fight for our own plans, our own agendas, or protect our own reputation and self-interests, then we are able to walk in the freedom that God wants for us. When we are truly going after and obeying His commands knowing without a doubt that we are where He wants us to be, doing what He has planned for us to do then we can walk in gentleness. And through our gentleness and submission, He can accomplish amazing things.

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