With all the craziness of trying to sell the house, we just didn't have the time to invest into the vegetable garden this year. We barely got the seeds in the ground, said a quick prayer, and hoped for the best.
Our pea-patch turned out to be a thistle-ridden, weed-infested hot spot with only a few patches of edible delights.
Recently, I spent a couple of hours sacrificing my fingers to my thorny foes and managed to irradicate almost all of them from the plot. But, I began to realize that as I was pulling out the weeds, I was also pulling out the real vegetables along with them. Their roots had become so tangled with one another.
The ones that didn't get yanked out immediately collapsed on its side since it didn't have the support it once had.
Hmmm, I thought, this scene can be fodder for tons of analogies about love, life, God.
So, I ask you again, how does your garden grow?
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