At the end of November, YWAM will host a huge 50th year celebration here in Kona. They are expecting between 4,000 to 5,000 people are expected to invade the YWAM campus.
Whenever our base gathers together the speaker always says that this is a special quarter, a time of the Lord's favor. I laughingly brush it aside thinking, "Aw, you say that to all the quarters." But, what if it's true? What if they sense God's stirring? What if they feel that there is something big on the horizon?
So far, I can recognize something big -- it's the amount of families that He has called to meet Him here. Our Crossroads DTS has 49 adults and 39 children! There is a family with 7 children, 6 children, couple of us have 4 children, then there's the ones with 3, 2 and 1 child.
Many of you know our story and how we feel that we are to remain open to God's leading for us, to sell our home, quit our jobs, etc. So have many of the families here! We are all homeless, jobless, but filled with God's hope for our futures.
He is preparing His army. And, I think many of them will be under the age of 12.
That is impressive that there are that many families! God is raising up an army of warriors for His kingdom!