There are so many things to get used to about our new life -- the food, the heat, the 5-hour grocery shopping expeditions. But the things that are the most challenging for me are not living in my "own" house and not having my "own" money.
These two factors crashed together this week as Micah locked a bedroom door and walked out. The problem is, we don't have the key. We knew this day would come soon. How could four little boys NOT lock a door?
Well, we could break the lock and get in. But, again we don't own this house and can't make that decision. We could hire a locksmith for $12, but I want to be a good steward of the money we get from our supporters and don't think breaking and entering is being one.
So, I did the only thing I could ... pray. I asked God, "How do I get in?" He said, "use the key." I calmly explained that I don't have the key and I don't know where it is! He said, "The key I gave you is prayer."
I remembered how the Bible said that if you have the faith the size of a mustard seed you can make mountains move. Well, then, surely if that could happen a little lock should be no problem. I mustered up all the faith I could and marched to the door.

I grabbed Micah and said we're going to pray for a miracle! He looked less than excited, but it didn't stop me. Then I asked God, "Now what?" He said, "jiggle the handle." "Oh, ok, I'll do it 7 times just like in Jericho," I thought.
One-two-three-four-five-six-seven .... nothing happened. I stepped away determined not to let the defeat at the door dent my faith, but yet wondered what went wrong.
Half an hour later I hear Jon yelling that the door is opened! I ran to see what happened. Jon said, "look, you just need to jiggle the handle and it starts to unlock the lock!"
Ah ... so the answer WAS to jiggle! God did reveal the "key" to the door, but I used my own interpretation of seven times. If only I continued to do what He asked me to do, I would have seen His miracle.
I wonder how many of us hear God's good and gracious plans for our life, do it as long as we think WE should and then give up and blame God that it didn't all work out? What if we all kept on jiggling until we heard the next step from Him?