Here's a write up I did for our team's weekly update:
Wow! What a week of powerful prayer time! It all began on Sunday when Jonathan gave a message at PCL about spiritual warfare. We were just about to break into small groups to chat about the topic when Ezra, one of the leaders, said he wants us to go and pray for a woman in the village who has locked herself in her bathroom. A bunch of the kids went with our team to the woman's house. We all prayed for her, and the time ended with everyone, including the woman, singing praises to God.
Sophy and his family was also in need of some spiritual cleansing. There was an evil spirit in his home that was disturbing him and his wife. The team was able to pray, and through the Holy Spirit, was led to have several objects removed from the home. However, the evil spirit remained there the following night, so the team prayed as Sophy commanded it to leave again.
We launched two new ministry opportunities at Sophy's and PCL this week. We are offering a buffet of classes for the children including worship, Bible study, computer classes and hula lessons. It was a wonderful treat when the guitar class joined the hula class and praised God with "Shout to the Lord" through music and dance.
The team said goodbye to Sokrey, one of the staff at our guesthouse. We marked the end of her time here with a farewell party that included delicious ice cream cakes, playing Mexican Train dominoes (which we re-named Cambodian Train) and a fun time of dancing under the stars.
The village and prison ministries also continued this week. Everyone is grateful for the deepening relationships that we are making in those two areas.
It's hard to believe that we have passed the halfway mark! We are all feeling more at home here, accepting the dust, road conditions, etc. to be a "normal" way of life now. For the first time since arriving here, the majority of the team is healthy! Praise God!
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