Tuesday, February 1, 2011

When I am weak

The Bible says, "let the weak say I am strong." That's exactly what we're finding out on this journey. God is transforming us daily into people that we don't even recognize! All for the glory of His kingdom and loving the people He is putting in our paths.

This is our final week of ministry. I feel such an urgency, the kind that Jesus describes in the New Testament. Everyday I wonder, "what needs to be said to such and such a person ... what needs to be done ... what seeds need to be planted before we leave."

Please partner with us as we give our final push for the work God has given us. Here's a brief snapshot of our final duties:

Wednesday/Thursday/Friday we will be going into the village and teaching 24 children English. They range in age from 2-15. I am so proud of them! It makes me want to cry when they remember their vocabulary words or when I see them coloring their artwork so diligently. These are children who live in shacks -- no doors, thatched walls, no electricity, no beds, dirty clothes, limited food, but such a joy in their hearts!

Thursday/Friday we go into a school called the Mustard Seed run by a pastor and his wife. We run the class for the days, sharing with them stories, teaching English, skits and crafts.

Friday: Our team is hosting a farewell dinner for the staff at our guesthouse. They have become like family to us and have been so kind! We will really miss them and want to use this dinner as a way to bless them. Not only do they have to hang out with us everyday, but we've also done some special events with them like playing dominoes and having dance parties :)

Saturday: I will teach the teenagers at PCL orphanage the hula to "Shout to the Lord." They have been practicing for the past 3 weeks and will do a performance of it at a Valentine's Day party. Jonathan helps lead a Bible study for the youth.

Sunday: Our final day ... we will do the church service for the Mustard Seed, where the children there will perform the hula to "Shout to the Lord". For the past 3 Sundays, they have been practicing hard! Jonathan was also teaching some of the children how to use the computer.

On Monday we will be taking a bus back to Phnom Penh to debrief with all the teams who came to Cambodia. Then on Friday we will be flying back to Kona for more debriefing with the India team, too!

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