Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A day in the life

It's hard to believe that we've been here for almost a month! Thought I'd give you a snapshot of our day.
Most days we wake up at 6 a.m. We usually get down for breakfast by 6:45 a.m. On the menu each day is oatmeal, cereal, and hard boiled eggs, except for weekends when something new comes on the menu. We have sooo much oatmeal that when we went to the beach, Micah was playing with his "Oatmeal making machine".
Between 8-9 a.m. we have worship. Then, 9 a.m.-noon we have a guest speaker in the classroom. So far we have learned about the nature of God, being released to do what God is calling us to do and hearing God's voice.
At noon we run up the hill to pick up Isaiah and Levi so that we can have lunch together. We quickly inhale our food while we sweat from running what feels like a mini-marathon and the crazy intense heat.
By 1 p.m. we are either back in the classroom for outreach prep or getting together in our small groups for discussion. Our class day ends at 2:30 when we pick up Micah, Isaiah and Levi.
You would think that now is the time for family time, but the boys are all wanting to go in different directions. I've decided to be the snack mom and have my boys in for a snack and chat and they can have any friends in for it too. As long as I get some time with my boys. Then, they're off again.
Dinner is at 5 p.m. Followed by more playing. Then it's time to unwind for bedtime at 8 p.m.
Crazy, but true! We're all loving it!

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